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Contact Us


In case you would like to receive more information about an accommodation or about rental services at Espana Casas Holiday Rentals Spain and/or you are not able to, or don’t want to contact us online, you can contact us by telephone on  + 31 620 60 66 77

For questions and/or remarks you are able to reach us 7 days a week, 24 hours a day through mail, from 09.00h till 17.00h by telephone. 

At the moment we are experiencing higher than normal call volumes. We aim to respond to emails within one Business day. For general questions, please look at the most frequent asked questions on our website!

We are registered in Alicante under CIF/ESX7052746A. 

Our Company Details: 

Espana Casas Customer Support
General email address: 

-    Bedrijventerrein De Rietvelden
Siloweg 602, 5222 BM, 's- Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands.

-    Bali Residencial Punta Prima
Cl/ Escorpiones 1, 03185, Torrevieja

-    Residencial Alegria Village  
Cl/ Toledo 25, 03509, Finestrat



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